Hey Old Timer! Where Have You Been?

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    Hey .. sign your name (reply) and say hello! what ya been up to .. what ya been doing?

  • ToW Bonds: 305
    Community Member

    Klip (present for Duty)

    Hello, been playing Asheron’s Call and still there…………………I got a PM from TooTall IE: former Bash Brother! to get to this site. Seems Argon was looking for former Ironwolves players, so here I am….

    Shadowfax and a few others are still playing AC, some more than others but that is where we be. ARGH……

    I will try to check this site more often, now that I have it because I think I remember someone telling me Ironwolves is gonna try to make a comeback. I would like to know more on this subject……



  • ToW Bonds: 305
    Community Member

    I’ve been….well, you know…

  • ToW Bonds: 350
    Community Member

    I have been busy looking for old Wolfpack members. It aint easy searching every Old Folks Home and Port Tavern but between the two I should find most of them.

  • ToW Bonds: 350
    Community Member

    I’ve been using my thigh-master and taking a course in C++ programming! Other than that, I’ve been sitting back, eating on a rasin, a grape, a palmagranit, 2 bowls of chittlinz, 3 bananas, 2 Hershey? bars, whilst sipping on an RC? Cola, watchin’ the grand ol opra, listeing to the transister radio, and humming “Does your chewing gum loose it’s flavor on the bedpost over night”.

    Same ole same ole…

    (P.S.: I also went through a major hurricane recently, but thats another book to write)

  • ToW Bonds: 315
    Community Member

    Got a postcard yesterday from Silvercat – she’s taking up residency in Barcelona.

    Hey TowF….do you think that maybe for this section, we could have a world map where people put their own dots on to represent where they are now – and when you mouse over it shows the members name?

    Maybe something like this.

  • ToW Bonds: 1,049
    Administrator Badge


    Good to here from you !! .. Tides .. you can find the old gang here .. in and out etc. If your looking for someone in particular .. you can most likly find them here sooner or later .. or someone can pop in and tell you where they are ..

    Come play with us in Air Attack .. you might like that .. lol .. IF you have the time for games .. otherwise you might like working on our NewsPaper staff :)


  • ToW Bonds: 1,010
    Community Member


    Hey…back from the abyss. Last couple years have been a mess in RL. Getting back in the swing of things.

  • ToW Bonds: 1,658
    Administrator Badge

    @jester, Welcome back old friend! Tides is always your internet home, so we understand RL happens and people need to step away. I hope everything is going well now. We are still in the process of revamping the site (as you might have noticed).

  • ToW Bonds: 310
    Community Member

    I’ve been doing conducting university life for the last few years since I have been on. I am almost finished with my bachelors degree in computer science and will be on in the near future! Look forward to gaming again, it has been too long since I have played with anybody from ToW.

  • ToW Bonds: 1,658
    Administrator Badge


    Hey Ice! Welcome back friend! Wow! Sounds like you’ve been busy! College does eat up a lot of time but sounds like you’re almost done.

    • ToW Bonds: 310
      Community Member

      I am almost done with my bachelors degree, and then I have to continue on to my masters degree, but at least I’ll have time to game.

  • ToW Bonds: 330
    Community Member

    McNasty signing in.

    Married now with 2 wonderful kiddos.

    Mostly playing on xbox warframe and dabbled a little in neverwinter might not be my cup of tea.

  • ToW Bonds: 1,049
    Administrator Badge

    McNasty… try Star Trek Online .. boldly go :)

    So nice to catch up with you.. let me know how ‘Dad’ is doing

    • ToW Bonds: 330
      Community Member

      ‘Dad’ is doing alright, he’s usually on steam playing Age of Empires.

      still waiting for a good iron wolves clone or remake or something along the lines to come along.

      What fighter sim are people playing on? Fired up the ole 1946 on hyperlobby and there was nothing there.

      I gave STO a try a couple years ago and was really buggy.

      hear anything from ‘darkfox’ at all?

      • ToW Bonds: 1,658
        Administrator Badge

        Hey There! Long time no see! Welcome back!

        I haven’t heard or seen from DarkFox in ages. I did reconnect with Gubar a few years ago when playing Chivalry, but we fell out of touch again.

  • ToW Bonds: 1,049
    Administrator Badge

    Hi ya ‘Nasty!

    Good to hear “dad” is ok and still gaming :) I don’t play anything but STO and World of Warships…and right… can’t wait for a good sub game like IW :) Married and two kids. .. wow, you were just a ‘kid’ when I met ya

    Air Sims… I think is Cliff of Dover or CoD as they call it… don’t seem right to call it COD in my mind :P

    Not a thing from DarkFox.. nadda.

    Keep in touch!

    • ToW Bonds: 330
      Community Member

      Oh it gets worse.

      bug, the youngest is married with 2 kids


      </feeling old now?>

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