new fallout 4 mod – hudoria war of 2077 — name may change
kainParticipantJanuary 18, 2020 at 1:31 pmfallout 4 mod iv got a new fallout 4 mod in the works and its tough to survive in it lol it starts a battle right after you load in basically throwing the player into the frying pan right at the start XD iv never beaten it but iv gotten close on the prototype will post video link as soon as i make it
- if you wanna give it a try heres a link for the alpha download video comming soon gonna do a stream soon if you want to see ill post after action vidoe after stream
not bad for only about 6 hrs of work put into it XD hopefully it becomes something really good and win i can ill try adding work shops to it for bases the player can stash stuff in and what not stell need to learn how to make the npcs re-spawn every in game week or so
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